Teacher Version

Atlantis Rubric
Category |
Student | Teacher | |
1 | Timeliness | The project was created on time. | ||
2 | Version Control | The program is saved in correct place and with a proper name. Students can describe the process of saving and retrieving their program. | ||
3 | Reliability | The program allows the robot to complete the challenge in a reliable manner. | ||
4 | Understands the Program | Have the students explained all aspects of their program via the comments in their code? For example, the comments explain what the robot is doing at particular points of the program. | ||
5 | Requirements | The program completes all aspects of the challenge as described in the challenge directions. | ||
6 | Mathematized Solutions | Students used comments to display how they used math in order to program their robot to move and turn precise distances. | ||
7 | Sensor Usage | The program takes advantage of appropriate sensors to optimize the robot’s performance. | ||
8 | Communicate a Solution | Students can describe, or document in the comments, the plan that they are going to utilize to complete the programming challenge. |